Monday, October 30, 2006

K, so I had to write a creation myth for English class and this is how it turned out. Tell me whatcha think:

Levitas and Thor

The Sky God had many children and he cherished them all. After he felt that his children were mature enough, he gave them a place in nature. His daughters were the clouds, Fire, Wind and the water of the earth. His sons were the plants and animals on the land below the heavens.

All of the Sky God’s children had matured enough to receive their place except for two. His youngest, who were born at the exact same time, were very different from each other as well as their older siblings. Levitas was a strikingly beautiful young woman who didn’t say much, but was mesmerizing to all who looked upon her. Thor, a corpulent young man, had a boisterous voice that could be heard through out the heavens. Out of the Sky Gods many children, these two were the only to ever fight.

After a long summer’s day of Levitas and Thor’s bickering, the Sky God came to his two youngest. All of the fighting had made his heart sorrowful for his children and he did not want them to end up with hate towards each other. The Lord of the sky banished his two children to opposite sides of the heavenly kingdom. Levitas was able to keep her good looks, but her father took her voice away. Thor was diminished to a spirit in the sky, but was allowed to keep his voice.

The Sky God had thought his problem was solved but there were things he had over looked. Levitas and Thor were able to meet each other and bicker when their father checked on his children below the heavens. One day, the Sky God heard a disturbance in the heavens and came home early from his journey. When he reached his place in the sky, he saw brilliant flashes of light and loud roars. The Lord of the sky knew his youngest had found each other, and he began to weep. To this day, Thor and Levitas still meet when they think their father will not find them. Every time they meet, The Sky God weeps. This is how we got lightning, Thunder, and the rains shortly after.

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